Teen Court News
Congrats to our 2024 graduates! This fall they head to Arizona State University, Harvard University, Pima Coummunity College, Tulane University, University of Arizona, and University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).
In 2022, YWCA and its partner, Pima County Justice Services, were chosen by the MacArthur Foundation for participation in the Safety & Justice Challenge. As part of this effort to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in our justice system, Teen Court will recruit, train, and hire teens with lived experience to facilitate workshops alongside adult staff. These Youth Facilitators will be teens who have successfully completed Teen Court for their own arrest.
The 2020-2021 Officers of the Teen Court Bar Association have been selected for the 2021 Frances McClelland Group Youth Vision Award. Having served their roles entirely online during the global pandemic, these teens showed remarkable flexibility and creativity in serving their community and the other members of the TCBA.
Pima County Teen Court received the 2015 Youth Leadership for Service-Learning Excellence Award from the National Youth Leadership Council. The nomination was written by the officers of the Teen Court Bar Association.
In 2022, YWCA and its partner, Pima County Justice Services, were chosen by the MacArthur Foundation for participation in the Safety & Justice Challenge. As part of this effort to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in our justice system, Teen Court will recruit, train, and hire teens with lived experience to facilitate workshops alongside adult staff. These Youth Facilitators will be teens who have successfully completed Teen Court for their own arrest.
The 2020-2021 Officers of the Teen Court Bar Association have been selected for the 2021 Frances McClelland Group Youth Vision Award. Having served their roles entirely online during the global pandemic, these teens showed remarkable flexibility and creativity in serving their community and the other members of the TCBA.
Pima County Teen Court received the 2015 Youth Leadership for Service-Learning Excellence Award from the National Youth Leadership Council. The nomination was written by the officers of the Teen Court Bar Association.